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Dairy Doo

Dairy Doo


1 cu ft bag - $9.99

DAIRY DOO can be used to amend soil in around vegetables when that soil needs a good kick. The biology available in DAIRY DOO creates an inviting environment for organic matter that will boost your vegetable plants. 

FlowerDoo 201

1 cu ft bag - $13.99

Grow the most beautiful blooms in your flower bed or indoor/outdoor container with FlowerDoo 201. High in phosphorous, it promotes healthy, vibrant blooms. It contains 18 organic ingredients, including WormDoo, and is powered by DAIRY DOO.

VeggieDoo 301


1 cu ft bag - $12.99

For use with outdoor containers, raised beds, or vegetable transplants. VeggieDoo 301 has over 77 different minerals to grow nutrient-dense plants. Nutrient-dense plants produce fruits and veggies with better flavor- perfect for garden-to-table meals. Crafted with 15 organic ingredients, and POWERED BY DAIRY DOO, VeggieDoo 301 provides just what your plants need! 



8 qt bag - $14.49

WormDoo is an all-natural soil amendment produced by the millions of worms on our worm farm that are fed an organic, balanced diet of protein and minerals. These high-quality worm castings add beneficial biology and fungal properties to the soil, improves water retention, and can improve root development. All of this creates healthier plants and increases the plant’s natural ability to resist disease.

FruitBlaster 1-5-13



Enjoy a more delicious and plentiful yield off your fruit trees and berry plants this summer! FruitBlaster improves the flavor of your grapes, berries, and other fruits. This liquid plant food also promotes a more uniform fruit set.




Feed your lawn to make it the vibrant green you love with this easy-to-use fertilizer! TurfBlaster is a great way to boost your lawn during the hot summer months. This liquid lawn food keeps grass roots healthy which helps combat against pests too.

Topsoil Blend


1 cu ft bag - $5.99

POWERED BY DAIRY DOO and has the perfect mix of peat and topsoil, making it an affordable, quality soil for growing grass or other plants. TOPSOIL BLEND is screened and comes ready-to-use for all your landscaping projects and gardens.


TreenShrub-Big-Ted-logo-NEW-2023 (1).png

1 cu ft bag - $9.49

POWERED BY DAIRY DOO, & handcrafted for lush, green growth that provides the nutrients necessary for vibrant, colorful foliage. This recipe jump-starts trees and shrubs with the added kick of triple ground bark while also offering great water holding capacity. Tree’nShrub is important to use when first planting new additions to your landscaping and is a powerful tool for supporting existing trees and shrubs.

Seed Starter 101


1 8 qt bag - $10.99

Start your seeds out right! This germination mix has a fine, soft texture, making it ideal for delicate seeds. It’s also great as a blocking mix! This blend is very diverse with 14 specially picked ingredients and is POWERED BY DAIRY DOO.

Potting Soil 201


1 cu ft bag - $9.49

POWERED BY DAIRY DOO, & handcrafted for lush, green growth that provides the nutrients necessary for vibrant, colorful foliage. This recipe jump-starts trees and shrubs with the added kick of triple ground bark while also offering great water holding capacity. Tree’nShrub is important to use when first planting new additions to your landscaping and is a powerful tool for supporting existing trees and shrubs.

Healthy Garden


1 4# bag - $9.49

Garden need a little pick-me-up? POWERED BY DAIRY DOO, this product is jam-packed with organic, all-natural and plant available nutrients your plants will love. HEALTHY GARDEN is also a great source of calcium- perfect for even those heavy feeding plants! This all-natural, organic, and chemical-free fertilizer is completely safe to use on edible plants.




Enjoy an abundant harvest from your vegetable plants with this easy-to-use fertilizer! This liquid vegetable food promotes nutrient-dense veggie growth and lush foliage. VeggieBlaster creates tasty and healthy plants that are better able to resist the stress of summer heat, drought, or pests!

All Purpose Fertilizer


1 40# bag - $15.49

Made with processed poultry manure and DAIRY DOO, this fertilizer offers calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that your plants can actually access. ALL PURPOSE 8-4-4 adds organic matter to your soil that acts as sponges to hold your nutrients in place for your plants to retrieve when they need them. This is a general-use fertilizer that works great at feeding almost anything that you are trying to grow! 

Bloom Blaster   



Marvel at the beauty of your flowers all summer long! This liquid f lower food promotes vibrant blooms and healthier plants that are From the makers of better able to resist the stress of summer heat, drought, or pests. 

© 2025 by McLennan Landscape. 

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