10950 M-52
Manchester, MI 48158
(734) 428-7005

Personalized and Professional Service For 30+ Years!
Flowering trees and shrubs are the heart and soul of spring plantings, but all too often, selections do not offer much aesthetic value after they have finished flowering. These combinations are designed to offer 4-season interest and put on a spectacular spring show!
See ‘Tree and Shrub Selection-Collection’ For Options
Spring Color Packages

Large Property Trees & Shrubs
2x Dogwood
1x Flowering Cherry
2x Crabapple
2x Magnolia*
5x Rhododendron
Premium Package
2-2.5” trees/7-10 gal shrubs, installation included - $7,500
Standard Package
1-1.5” trees/5 gal shrubs, installation included - $4,200
DIY Package
10-15 gal trees/3-5 gal shrubs
(*no Magnolia)
- $1,900
Shrub-Only Collection
5x Rhododendron
3x Viburnum
Standard Package
5-gal shrubs, installation included - $2,450
DIY Package
3-gal shrubs - $680

Small Property Trees & Shrubs
1x Kousa Dogwood*
1x Flowering Cherry*
2x Redbud ‘Minnesota Strain’
3x Rhododendron
Premium Package
2-2.5” trees/7-10 gal shrubs, installation included - $3,750
Standard Package
1-1.5” trees/5 gal shrubs, installation included - $2,450
DIY Package
10-15 gal trees/3-5 gal shrubs (*no Dogwood, *Kwanzan Cherry only) - $700
Native Collection
2x Flowering Dogwood, ‘Cloud 9’
2x Redbud ‘Minnesota Strain’
2x Apple Serviceberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’
2x Burkwood Viburnum
Standard Package
1-1.5”trees/5-gal shrubs, installation included - $3,300
DIY Package
10-15 gal trees, 3-5 gal shrubs - $1,550